Lisa Street heads up Lisa Jane Bookkeeping. Lisa has a wealth of experience and qualifications that make her ideally suited to helping small and medium sized businesses.
Lisa has been working in an accounting environment for over 13 years and is a qualified ACCA accountant. Lisa takes her qualifications very seriously and is dedicated to CPD – continued professional development – ensuring she keeps up to date with financial legislation. Her experience includes working for small accountancy practices, a property asset management company and a leading bank.
Lisa is currently working part-time for a design agency based in Windsor – Dunk Design Limited, and has been with them since 2005. During this time, Lisa helped transition the business from a sole trader to a limited company. She also works closely with a firm of accountants based in Maidenhead – Faust Loveday Bell LLP – providing bookkeeping services. In addition, Lisa manages the accounts for a range of small businesses.

Having never run a business before and not having the first clue about accounts, I found the help and advice given to me by Lisa Street to be exemplary. The first class service and professional approach I have received is second to none and I would not hesitate in recommending her to others.

– Partner, Tantrum Restaurant.